MC Piano Studio

We offer Individual private lessons for all ages and skill levels.  Lessons are tailored to meet each of the student's personal goals.  The entire curriculum of piano education from beginners to Diploma include rhythm, sight reading, piano techniques, music theory and more. 

Group lessons are also offered for our young students from 6 to 10 years old in a fun and safe environment.  Group lessons cover music fundamentals, musicianship, basic music theory and most important of all, Fun!


Our core philosophy at MC Piano Studio is to teach students to find joy and leisure in music.  Music is a form of communication, a beautiful, universal language.  One of our most important goal is to instill confidence in all of our students.  Music is a powerful tool that can help the student lead a life enjoying new challenges at every corner.  While classical music is our focus, we sometimes love contemporary music a bit more. 

The keys to your success in music is at MC Piano Studio!